Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Autonomous Database with HammerDB

Summary of the basic steps to configure HammerDB with Oracle's Autonomous Database either shared or dedicated.
  1. Download and install Oracle Database Client on client machine which is hosting HammerDB
  2. Optionally it is recommended practice to patch the client to the latest version, today that is 19.7
  3. set environment variable Oracle_HOME
  4. Download the wallet for the database you will be using with HammerDB
  5. Unzip the wallet , modify sqlnet.ora and set TNS_ADMIN to your wallet
  6. Modify oracle.xml file in your hammerdb/config directory
  7. Verify above settings
My Environment:
  • Windows jump server
  • Linux Compute VM to host hammerdb
  • ADB on Dedicated Quarter Rack
  • ADB on Shared Infrastructure
  • all on same VCN

#1   Download and install latest Oracle Database Client which currently is 19.3 onto your linux compute VM.

#2 Skipping this step

#3   Set the environment variable ORACLE_HOME to your client on .
       i.e.   export ORACLE_HOME=/home/opc/app/opc/product/19.0.0/client_1

#4   Download the wallet  for the database you will be using onto  your linux compute VM


#5  Unzip the wallet onto your linux compute VM and set TNS_ADMIN to this directory
        export TNS_ADMIN=/home/opc/wallet_phxhammer1


Also modify the sqlnet.ora to point to this directory.

#6  Either modify the oracle.xml in  the config directory within the hammer directory or use the GUI.   Make the following changes in config.xml:
  • system_user = admin
  • system_password = your_admin_password
  • instance = use one of the defined services   i.e.  phxhammer1_tp
  • tpcc_user = tpcc
  • tpcc_pass = insert password for the tpcc user
  • tpcc_def_tab = DATA
  • tpcc_def_temp= TEMP 
Here is a portion of the config file:

#7 start HammerDB  and verify connection


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