From my hometown Cohocton,NY. Army Specialist Devin Snyder was killed in Aghanistan on June 5,2011. God Bless the Snyder family and the families of the other fallen soldiers.
We will pray for your soul every day. God Bless You and Thank You.
"Heavenly Father, during this time of world crisis, let all souls find
their peace and security in Your Divine Will. Give each soul the grace
to understand that Your Will is Holy Love in the present moment."
"Benevolent Father, illuminate each conscience to see the ways
that he is not living in Your Will. Grant the world the grace to change
and the time in which to do it. Amen."
AP Photo/Ann Heisenfelt U.S.
Army Chaplain Col. Scott H. Jensen, left, says a prayer as Air Force
Col. Joan Garbutt, center, and Army Frocked Brig. Gen. Billy Farris II,
right, bow their heads over transfer cases containing the remains of
Sgt. Joshua D. Powell, Cpl. Christopher R. Bell, Spc. Devin A. Snyder
and Pfc. Robert L. Voakes Jr., during a ceremony at Dover Air Force
Base, Del., on Monday, June 6. According to the Department of Defense,
Powell, of Quitman, Tex., Bell, of Golden, Miss., Snyder, of Cohocton,
N.Y., and Voakes, of Lanse, Mich., died while supporting Operation
Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. |